Reviews and Interviews

"Alsop’s biography is a story of continually challenging a field in which the sexist idea that women can’t conduct persists."
"Wegenstein shows a glass ceiling that’s ready to burst wide open."
"Skillfully weaving together these elements... Bernadette Wegenstein has created a story that is more than just a bio."
"The film reveals the magic that made Alsop want to conduct."
"'The Conductor' tells an optimistic, list-affirming story."
"Wonderful documentary."
"Watching Bernadette Wegenstein’s doc The Conductor is an uplifting and educational treat."
"Ms. Alsop continues to disprove the myth that only masculine traits are suitable for helming an ensemble from the prow of the stage."
"A moving documentary covering [Alsop’s] life and career from director Bernadette Wegenstein."
"Inspiring documentary"
"It’s a glorious portrait of a woman you’ll want to hang out with and talk to for hours. This film is a joy and highly recommended. One of the unexpected gems of Tribeca."
"Fabulous documentary...shrewdly addresses gender expectations."
"The soundtrack is as stirring as anything from the huge musical In the Heights."
"I was glad to discover the documentary on Alsop... because it felt so much more inspiring and vivacious."
"Wegenstein honors her subject by transcending them, looking at how Alsop has taken her own hard-won status to seed musicians around the world who could make orchestras more diverse in the same way she sees how one instrument can complement another when conducting."
"Wegenstein offers a lively, wholly engaging look at what makes this accomplished, electrifying titan of the music world tick."
"Enables the audience to fall under the spell."

Interview with Bernadette Wegenstein and Marin Alsop, moderated by Allison Stewart

Scott Simon's interview with Marin Alsop
Marin Alsop's interview with Madeleine Brand
An interview with Marin Alsop
An interview with Bernadette Wegenstein
Featured in release calendar for January 28th
Included in Box Office
Recorded podcast interview with Sandi Klein
Film selection and review
Movie of the week
Interview with Washington Post critic Ann Hornaday and Jed Dietz, founder of the Maryland Film Festival
Essay by Marin Alsop
In depth interview with director Berndette Wegenstein
Exclusive Tribeca Trailer Debut: ‘The Conductor’ Taps Baton With Maestra Marin Alsop, First Woman To Lead Major U.S. Orchestra on Deadline Hollywood
Anthony Tommasini’s interview with Marin Alsop includes mention and praise for The Conductor
The film is included in a preview by Women and Hollywood ahead of its premiere.
Tribeca Film Festival announces its selections for the 2021 Festival.
The Conductor is selected to premiere among other great films in the "Viewpoints" category.
Maggie Linhart reviews and praises The Conductor.
Patrick Hipes includes The Conductor in Tribeca announcement coverage.
Joey Nolfi includes The Conductor in Tribeca announcement coverage.
Jack Shalom discusses the film for the radio column on Arts Express.

JCC Chicago Jewish Film Fest features The Conductor
Press Contact
Betsy Rudnick-Fernand